All notes

Notes are for small posts, links, anything I don't feel merits a full post.

I don’t particularly rate Duolingo these days as a method for learning but still quite proud of this

A screenshot of Duolingo showing a 1,000 day streak

[whispering to my date while watching Chappell Roan when Chappell Roan first appears on the stage] that’s Chappell

She’s just admiring the views.

A black cat looking out the window of the train.

It’s heatwave week in London, which means cold brew season is here. You absolutely can heat it up, it’s got a lovely round flavour, but it’s a faff so I usually only bother when it’s real hot outside (and, because this is the UK, inside).

A pestle and mortar with coffee beans. You want a pretty coarse grind for cold brew or it can get overextracted (bitter). The bottle, corked. This goes in the fridge and the residue should settle to the bottom overnight.

There really is nowhere like Northern Ireland in the sunshine.

A view across Belfast Lough. A view up Belfast Lough towards Belfast. Cave Hill is in the background.

The people saying “AI will hasten the transition to clean energy” are the same people who said that about Bitcoin, and should not be trusted, on anything.

Home for one of my oldest pals’ 30th. Been friends with these two my entire life.

Me, Alison and JW with balloons that say 30.

A wee day in Belfast with some very old pals.

My pals JW and Zach. Caravaggio paintings at the Ulster Museum! Big clam, very large.

This post brought to you by my rediscovering that the 3DS is simply my favourite bit of gaming hardware ever created.

Become increasingly clear to me that bells-and-whistles graphics do not matter - that much is obvious to everyone - but also, as a Computer Toucher, that the really exciting thing is talented teams pushing underpowered hardware to the absolute limit.