Everything tagged with 'life'


Parents are visiting so had a wee wander round Greenwich.

Lucy and my parents with Greenwich and London in the background. Me and Lucy. Me and my parents!

One other photo from the weekend I forgot to upload…

Me and Lucy looking extremely happy. Lucy is wearing a ring!

A 22km walk today. We saw hares, red deer, buzzards and about a billion pheasants. Scotland in autumn is just staggeringly pretty.

The view over Marlee Loch. Autumn trees at Loch of Clunie. Highland cows in a green field. A boggy field and a gorgeous sky.

Gorgeous day walking in Scotland.

Lucy by the river. There are autumn coloured trees in the background. Reflections on the River Ericht. Rolling hills. Hay bales in a big field under a big wide sky.

Not as pretty as the outside though. I’d missed you Edinburgh.

Edinburgh Edinburgh Edinburgh

Missed our train and have an hour to kill but at least Edinburgh Waverley is pretty.

The pretty ceiling at Waverley station.

Made it home in time for bowls.

My friends bowling Bowling green in Peckham Trying to work out who won

Vancouver’s really pretty.

The view to the stadium from the roof of the library. Down by the waterfront. Totem poles at Stanley Park The view out to north Vancouver

First time I’ve managed a 5k in under half an hour since I was a teenager. To most runners I’m sure this is nothing but I’m ecstatic.

A Strava screenshot showing 5.05km in 29:04.

Had a very cute visitor today.

A very cute cat looking at us through our blinds. The cat on my shoulder. I decided his name is Salami. The cat on my shoulder in a slightly less convenient position.

A lovely day at the footy. 7-0!

The football pitch at Champion Hill.

I am seized by energy and a desire to Do Things, which will probably translate to spending the day having choice paralysis and then Doing Nothing.


This was wonderful.

The poster outside Soho Theatre for “Demi Adejuyigbe is going to do one (1) backflip”.

A lovely day wandering at Castle Ward.

Lucy with a donkey (left) The view across Temple Water down towards the castle where they filmed Game of Thrones. My family walking along by the lough. Lucy perched on a wall by the lough.

Belated birthday treat was this sauna on a beach in Northern Ireland! Running back and forth from the sea to the sauna definitely gets the aul circulation going.

The sauna on the beach with Lucy at the window. The view down to the sea from the sauna. Me, Lucy and JW at the window. Lucy and JW in the sauna looking very happy and warm.

The evenings getting dark earlier is sad yes but I got my first whiff of autumn air on my run last night and it was just lovely.


I have learned to make banana bread and now I am unstoppable

It’s some banana bread on a plate. It is beautiful.

Cornwall’s bloody gorgeous, it turns out. We saw dolphins by the boat and it was like a religious experience.

Me and Lucy on a speedboat with some new pals. The view out over the sea with blue blue skies. Lucy overlooking the bay at Fowey.

Went to see the robot ghosts of ABBA and it was really really good actually.

The ABBA Voyage sign in the bar. No photos allowed in the show!

I threw the big axe

Me with a big axe embedded in the wall.

“Can’t climb this weekend because foxes ate my shoes” sounds made up. And yet.

A blue climbing shoe. It’s been ripped on the side and one of the laces is torn.

Off on an excursion today

A 3DS running Phoenix Wright, with the view out a train window behind it.
· New job smell

I had my last day at Emitwise yesterday, and now I’m in the odd liminal space that happens before I start my new job next week.


Down in Brighton for Develop and what a joy it is to be around wonderful game devs again.

Green, Joe and Jay. Me and Husban looking delighted. Sophie and Joe looking at a massive boat of sushi. A table full of lovely people.

Brittany Howard and Hozier at Finsbury Park

Brittany Howard Lucy in her yellow Lidl wellies. Hozier Hozier

Much to unpack here

Lucy with loads of boxes

She’s just admiring the views.

A black cat looking out the window of the train.

It’s heatwave week in London, which means cold brew season is here. You absolutely can heat it up, it’s got a lovely round flavour, but it’s a faff so I usually only bother when it’s real hot outside (and, because this is the UK, inside).

A pestle and mortar with coffee beans. You want a pretty coarse grind for cold brew or it can get overextracted (bitter). The bottle, corked. This goes in the fridge and the residue should settle to the bottom overnight.

There really is nowhere like Northern Ireland in the sunshine.

A view across Belfast Lough. A view up Belfast Lough towards Belfast. Cave Hill is in the background.

Home for one of my oldest pals’ 30th. Been friends with these two my entire life.

Me, Alison and JW with balloons that say 30.

A wee day in Belfast with some very old pals.

My pals JW and Zach. Caravaggio paintings at the Ulster Museum! Big clam, very large.

Doing my best Jim Holden face

Is me in a boiler suit with it tied round my waist holding a coffee and sort of squinting like what Jim does.

Cuttin about in a boiler suit tied at the waist holding a coffee, fully living out my James Holden fantasy


Arrived in Bristol a little early to meet our friends (by three weeks…) but decided to have a lovely day anyway.

Lucy in pub with pint. Lucy looking down to the Avon from the suspension bridge. The suspension bridge. The suspension bridge.

Things change every time I go home so it’s somewhat reassuring that Belfast International remains the world’s worst airport.


First geocache in years!

A geocache box. There’s a label on it explaining what it is. The log book from the geocache, with blue sky and sea in the background.

Went to my cousin’s wedding yesterday - a gorgeous day.

My cousin dancing with her dad. Me and Lucy being cute in a big circle.

A wander round Mussenden today

Mussenden Temple with the railway tunnel beneath it A view of Downhill with a cloudy sky. The house ruins at Downhill, with Big Art Big Art, with plaque

A walk along Castlerock beach last night. I love how late it gets dark in NI - I took these after 10pm.

Castlerock beach at dusk Lucy and my mum, on the pier The view along the pier Me, Lucy, my parents, my brother and his wife, all by the sea

Took our wee nephew to the Belfast Transport Museum, which was a real favourite when we were wee and it’s still great, actually

A big ol train with my brother looking at a sign My brother and Lucy, driving a train A bit of the museum made to look like an old Belfast street, with trams Me and Lucy on the back of a tram

Zeret Kitchen in Camberwell remains one of my favourite restaurants in London

A big ol huge plate of Ethiopian food

Sure it’s the day for it isn’t it

A bottle of beer sat on a little wall with a view of London, the Shard and a blue sky in the background

Post-climb park-nic

Lucy in the park with loads of picnic food

Managed a fair few V2/V3 routes bouldering today, which isn’t all that exciting but for us it’s a big step up, chuffed


Flo Fest 2024 begins

Cocktails in fun glasses. Mine is a whiskey sour on the left. Flo’s is a picante. Happy birthday Flo!

Well, it’ll be a while before it’s a home, but we bought a house!

Had a few pals round to sit on the empty floor and drink champagne out of paper cups. Now the real work begins…

Lucy in the sunshine outside the front of our new house. It has two front doors, we don’t know why. Lucy in our bare empty living room looking very pleased with herself. Some of our pals milling about with drinks. There are picnic rugs on the floor.

Not a huge fan

It’s a wind turbine in a big field

Northern Lights visible from Nottingham!

Northern lights with the silhouette of a church spire Northern Lights, pink and green Northern Lights

Not AC though, never that


Central Line has 4G now, truly living in the future


Had a rather lovely weekend seeing friends old and new

Husban and Gary in deep conversation A whole load of nice people round a table Some more nice people around a different table

New build smell

A computer motherboard sitting on a white desk. The memory banks and CPU have been installed.

It is with deep regret I announce that I am back in the UK, a country I already had a strong dislike of which has blossomed into deep hatred from simply being elsewhere for twenty days


Lamb is traditional at Easter, and even more traditional is making stock the next day

Some lamb stock in a pot! There are onions and lamb and pepper and salt and rosemary and thyme

I introduced Lucy to Tunic and now it’s 2am and she won’t come to bed


Trying to retrain my brain from “I’m tired, I don’t want to do exercise” to “if I do exercise I might feel less tired”


A lovely spicy Sunday

A pint sitting on a fence, with Dulwich Hamlet FC playing in the background

Cycled into work for the first time this year and I feel great


My wee nephew just said “bye bye” to me on the phone, first words I’ve heard him say 🥲


Yesterday’s mammoth cooking project

Just an absolute boatload of curry

My favourite thing about living in the UK is those magazines that report on what happens in soaps like it’s news. Must be utterly baffling for anyone who moves here


Older gent in front at the pharmacy, kept insisting he had something to show them. Pulled out of a brown envelope…a picture of Charles & Camilla? On closer inspection, a 100th birthday card! Don’t think I’d ever met a centenarian. Amazing.


I knew my partner was The One the first time I visited her parents and in her childhood bedroom was a full run of Artemis Fowl


People who self-censor swears are so f*cking funny to me


Upon the High Weald yesterday

Some people outdoors, do I know them, who can say

Day 2 of being off sick and can’t shake this guilty feeling that I ought to be Doing Something Productive with my day, despite the fact my brain is absolutely not capable of it right now


Two years with this wonderful human 🥰

A photo of my partner who is the best human in all the land

I think this might be the most onion I’ve ever seen in one place

Two big dishes of sliced onions

Feeling deeply, profoundly demoralised today, despite a weekend of making big strides forward on my game engine


At what point is the deadline for working my way through the leftover Christmas chocolate? At what point does it just become “we have too much chocolate in the house”?


I’m the biggest clean freak of anyone I know - to a probably unhealthy degree - and a past me would have absolutely had a panic attack, but at this point I’m so fucking cat-pilled I just went “aww sorry baby”, cleaned up and gave her an apology cuddle.


Managed to startle the cat when she was in her litter box today…which unfortunately meant in her haste to get away she trod on one of her recently laid delights. And then proceeded to run around the flat, which I could prove because she left prints. Cats!



Tower Bridge and the River Thames. It’s a bit grey and rainy.

Was quite proud of my 900-ish day streak in Duolingo until I looked at this calendar

A screenshot of Duolingo showing a calendar with loads of streak freezes used

We have been climbing

Some pints

This rewatch of the Expanse is great, actually even better for having now read the books. Though it does mean we now say “we should space her” when we put the cat outside when she’s being annoying at 4am


Well, they got the name right.

My dad crossing a bridge in Oxford which has tipped onto its side. The sign on it reads “Danger Bridge”. My family look on in horror.

Had some lovely Japanese food. Shout out to the couple next for us who asked for spoons for miso soup

My partner and a load of really great food

Spotted so many red kites on the bus to Oxford. Hard to believe these were once extinct in England!


My new profile photo is from a New Years’ Day walk near the farm my mum grew up on, which is still farmed by my uncle. This old house and the area around it are referred to as “Macaleese’s” after the family that used to live there nearly a century ago. It was used to store hay bales until the top floor collapsed. I love it.

The doorway of a ruined house. You can see the old fireplace through the door. The fireplace. I wonder when this was last lit, and if they knew it at the time. This little lean-to was (we think) built by my Granda for storage. My family.

We finally harvested our Lion’s mane! It became some rather nice crab cake-like things.

The lion's mane growing in their bag This is about as much as we got out Have you ever seen anyone look so excited about fungi? These crab cakes were yummy

We got the modelling clay out the other weekend so I decided to make this lightly deranged toothbrush holder.


Oh hey the fire worked


When I worked in the games industry I remember being told the average tenure was six years and thinking that was crazy low. I lasted…five and a half years.


Last night I went to the launch of Amy Acre’s new collection, Mothersong. There were readings from Amy, Fran Locke, Cai Draper and Jess Murrain, and it was lovely.

Amy reading My copy of Mothersong

We lost my wonderful Granny today at the age of 92. I’ve never known someone so warm, selfless, and caring. She died peacefully and surrounded by her loved ones, so it’s the best it could have been, but I am devastated. Love you forever Granny.

Me and Granny, taken last year. Me, Granny, and her great-grandson, taken last month.

Rye’s summer with us came to an end last week and now she’s off to see her mum and dad in Australia! I’m going to miss this lil pudding so much. 🥹

Me and Rye having cuddles. Me and Rye having more cuddles. Lucy and Rye having cuddles.

I’m at day four of going cold turkey on Sertraline (ran out, pharmacy being slow) and lemme tell ya I am having nil craic with these withdrawal symptoms


In ’the naming of cats’, T.S. Eliot posits that every cat has a secret name known only to themselves. I have determined that my cat’s secret name is ‘piss goblin’


A glorious, if slightly muggy, day walking on the High Weald.

My partner in a forest Late evening sun over the fields

Someone created this evil-joel emoji on our work Slack and honestly it is quite useful for when I need to be vaguely menacing

:evil-joel: Slack emoji of me looking grumpy

I’ll be wandering around WASD this week if any pals want to hang out! I’ll be at the Thursday night thing and at the expo on Friday and prob Saturday. Please be aware I have been doing gamedev again so will probably trauma-dump.


We went for a walk/forage on the Ridgeway today which was very muddy but gorgeous. We found:

  • Jelly ears!
  • Oysters!
  • Gorse!
  • Nettles!
  • Wild garlic!
  • Turkey tails!
  • Ground ivy!
Lucy on the ridgeway Turkey Tails Red cypress trees Oyster mushrooms

So after posting my Manifesto I tried some pizza from Veggie Crust on the Old Kent Road and while it was no Mario it was some pretty good Good Shit Pizza.

· The Good Shit Pizza Manifesto

I moved from East to South London in the summer of last year. South London has been amazing, especially for food, but there’s one thing missing.


We went to a couple of cool exhibitions today - the ASMR one at the Design Museum and the one about Japanese silk braiding (Kumihimo) at Japan House.

Some screens showing a visual ASMR film My partner playing with some brushes and microphones Braided cord hanging from the ceiling A complex sculpture made of braided cord
· Update from the Fringe

My flatmate/co-host Jake bangs on my door shortly after I wake up.

“Coffee?” “Please mate.”

· Pokémon Go

This isn’t really going to be a game review. Taken purely as a game, and ignoring its wider impact, Pokémon Go is not very good. It crashed frequently before a recent update, there’s nothing to do outside populated areas, the drain on battery and mobile data is high, and it’s incredibly hard for new players coming in to the game a few weeks late to catch up.

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